Early Career

Who are members?

HFD firefighters, hired before age 36, become HFRRF members when they are assigned to HFD payroll and start making contributions to the plan.

What is member services?

Member Services is a team of HFRRF professionals dedicated to helping you adjust to your new career, learn about your pension, plan for the future, and access valuable resources to help guide you throughout your career and beyond. Contact a representative for personalized assistance.


What are member contributions? 

Members contribute 10.5% of their gross pay to the Fund in biweekly, pre-tax, payroll deductions.

What if I quit before I retire?

Members hired on/after July 1, 2017 may apply for service retirement when their age plus years of service total at least 70 even after terminating HFD employment.

How can I learn more?

The Summary Plan Description (SPD) explains benefit provisions for members and their families.

View Summary Plan Description

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