DROP, Legislative Recodification and Benefit Improvements
In response to intense discussions and advocacy by firefighters in 1995, the Texas Legislature approved the creation of the Deferred Option Retirement Program (DROP) as an incentive to keep experience Houston firefighters in service. The following session, the legislature recodified Texas Civil Statutes and renamed our governing documents into Section 6243e.2(1). From 1997-2007, each time the legislature met in Austin, at least one bill was passed that helped retired firefighters and their families, including spousal coverage, cost of living adjustments, lump-sum payments, and technical corrections. Along the way, the members' contributions increased to 9% of individual firefighter's pay, effective in 2004, with the city contribution moving up to a minimum of 18% (adjusted as necessary by the annual actuarial analysis).
A Home for the Fund
In the late 1990s, planning began to move the fund from rental space in downtown Houston to a unique property near Bush Intercontinental Airport. The plans included a Firefighter Memorial, an event and conference center and plenty of office space with room to grow. After the building was completed in March 2001, the Fund moved into our current location.
Rising to the Occasion
Only a few months after the fund moved, when our nation was rocked by the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, thousands of travelers were stranded at our airports. Within hours, we converted our conference center into a Red Cross shelter and temporarily housed and fed over 200 stranded travelers for several days.
Houston Pension Reform
In 2017, as part of a broad "pension reform" effort affecting all three City of Houston pension systems, the Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 2190 making significant alterations to HFRRF's benefits, closed DROP for new firefighters, as well as enacting a new "corridor" funding mechanism. The new law raised the contribution rate for members of the fund from 9%-10.5% of individual firefighter's pay.